
The latest news and insight from the marketing world.


Hosting an Event? Five Ways to Increase Registration

A thriving B2B website requires the coming together of many elements to deliver an exceptional experience for your site visitors, leading them down the path you want them to take. For many organizations, that path leads to converting highly qualified visitors to prospects...

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5 B2B Marketing Trends to Watch

Today's B2B marketers find themselves confronting a rapidly shifting landscape. The ever-increasing array of digital/social options means that if companies are to engage with their customers, employees, or competitors through social media, they must use a variety of...

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What Keeps CMOs Up at Night?

What Keeps CMOs Up at Night?

Not surprisingly, the foremost worry for marketers is reaching customers, with 82% saying it is a major concern, according to a recent survey by Adobe. The next most common worries are understanding whether campaigns are working (79% of survey respondents) and proving...

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Keep the Lights On

Keep the Lights On

Tell your audience what they need to know before they ask. You will have success if you provide valuable content catered to your audience. One key point? Tell your audience what they need to know before they ask. The upcoming Google Now is working to ensure the information...

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How to Win on Social Media – Give to Grow

How to Win on Social Media – Give to Grow

By Paige Willey Peter Shankman is “that guy” — the guy who has great ideas, shares cool stuff, and maintains a devoted social media following. Shankman is an entrepreneur, author, speaker, and the founder of Help A Reporter Out (HARO), and came to Salt Lake City last week...

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7 Deadly Sins of Small Business Websites

By Jessica Swanson “Everything is designed. Few things are designed well.”– Brian Reed One of my good friends (let’s call her Annie), started up an online business a few months back and can’t wait to share her brand-new, razzle-dazzle website with me. So, as we sit sipping...

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Write With Personality

How many websites do you come across with the words "About Me" in the navigation? And when you click on it, it takes you to a page that's written in the third person, without any pictures or videos of the person and looks more like a boring, cheap brochure than a nice...

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SEO + PR = Your Online Reputation

SEO + PR = Your Online Reputation

Search engine optimization and public relations need to become best friends. Why? Because SEO as we knew it two years ago is dead. As our approaches to link building are constantly evolving, a stronger tie between these two marketing fronts is being seen. With that said,...

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Measuring Social Media Success

Measuring Social Media Success

There is nothing more important to executives than crunching numbers, or so it would seem. ROI is usually all the talk and has been for years. But what about an ROI on social media? How do you measure it when so few companies use it to actually sell products? The answer...

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What You Can Learn From a Street Peddler

What You Can Learn From a Street Peddler

Matthew Swyers Inc. Magazine I was recently in New York City for business and I stayed in Times Square. If you spend any amount of time there, in addition to other landmarks such as the famous ball that descends on New Year's Eve and, of course, the Naked Cowboy, you will...

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