Weekly Must Reads

Written by Doug

May 15, 2017

The marketing and PR fields are constantly changing. We want to make sure that you are always in the know. We’ve picked out what is trending this week and wanted to share the latest and greatest in the industry.

Send the Negative Thoughts Away

It can be a challenge not letting negativity affect your day-to-day life. Getting in your own head is so easy, overthinking the smallest details can become almost second nature. It’s important to take that negativity and turn it into something that drives you to be more positive. Check out four ways to keep your thoughts from overpowering you, here: https://thinkradius.com/keeping-negative-thoughts-away/

Content Isn’t Easy

However, it’s necessary. When it comes to content, you have to be ready to deliver to your consumers. They no longer want to go out of their way to find what you have to say. They want strong content that adds value to their daily lives delivered to them. Learn how to use content marketing to keep your customers engaged and attached to your brand, here: https://thinkradius.com/6-keys-to-effective-content-marketing/

Insta Selfie Filters

Instagram has released face filters. Yet again, releasing something very similar to Snapchat’s original take on virtual filters. Tech professionals have stated while the features are more simple to use and don’t distort your face as much, they don’t stay positioned properly on your face as well as the original Snapchat filters. Learn more about the filters and check them out on the app today, here: https://techcrunch.com/2017/05/16/instagram-face-filters/

Twitter Take Two

Biz Stone, co-founder of Twitter, has announced that he is returning to the company after a six year break. Stone is re-joining the Twitter team to help with the company culture and make sure employees really understand the story of Twitter. While it isn’t clear what his job title will be, he is expected to find ways to grow the social media platform. Scroll through all the latest news, here: https://www.recode.net/2017/5/16/15647494/twitter-biz-stone-returns

Ad of the Week

The popular men’s spray, AXE, has come out with an ad that is making society stop and think. It highlights all of the questions men face every day. Watching this ad provides greater understanding and light to the rest of the world on what it means to be a man. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/axe-is-it-ok-for-guys_us_591c6507e4b0ed14cddb2c17

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