Weekly Must Reads

Written by Doug

November 9, 2016

The marketing and PR fields are constantly changing. We want to make sure that you are always in the know. We’ve picked out what is trending this week and wanted to share the latest and greatest in the industry.

Juggling too Many Social Media Accounts?

Today there are nearly too many social media platforms to count. As a brand, it can be easy to want to be present on each and have your reach get out as far as it can. But quality is greater than quantity. See why here: https://thinkradius.com/are-you-juggling-too-many-social-media-accounts/

Getting the Most Out of Your Marketing Time

In this industry it can feel like there is never enough time. The to-do lists never are completed; there is always someone to email back and always a constant pressure to stay on top of the game. Check out how to make the most out of your time: https://thinkradius.com/making-the-most-of-your-marketing-time/

Trump Wins

After a heated race and Election Day, the results are in – Donald Trump will be our 45th president. Before we look to the future here are some of Trump and Hillary Clinton’s most popular tweets from the race: http://www.adweek.com/news/technology/hillary-clinton-and-donald-trumps-5-buzziest-tweets-election-174505

Instagram is Creating a Shopping Update

Have you ever looked at something on Instagram and thought that you needed to have it? Well, guess what? Instagram listened. This social media platform has stated that they will be making it easier for consumers to access a brand’s products’ through the app. Learn more here: http://digiday.com/brands/instagrams-shopping-update-means-influencers/

Blind Hiring

Brands and agencies are heading in a new direction, blind hiring, to make sure they increase diversity and avoid unintentional bias during the hiring process. Blind hiring is removing any identifying factors, such as ethnicity, gender, education and even a candidate’s name from an application during the first round of interviews. See why this might be the future of hiring here: http://www.adweek.com/news/advertising-branding/could-blind-hiring-be-solution-increasing-diversity-agencies-174386

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